9th Dec 2018
Try Wordpress Manager!
Our control panel integrated with a brand new Wordpress Manager! You can control multiple Wordpress sites, manage plugins and themes and even change Wordpress configuration with a single control panel.
If you have Web Hosting or Wordpress Hosting product on your account, you can try Wordpress Manager for free. If you don't have any hosting ...
11th Oct 2018
New Control Panel
As you have may noticed we changed the control panel URL and released a new design with improved features. SavasCloud will be the unified management panel for our different brands. Soon, we will activate features like Cloud Servers and Cloud Apps.
Please feel free to open a support ticket if you have experience any trouble with your new control ...
7th Oct 2018
DNS Server Issue - 07/10/2018
Due to an incorrect configuration on our DNS servers as of 22:00 on Sunday 07.10.2018, our NS1 NS2 and NS3 servers have been having trouble synchronizing the DNS changes made by this time between the servers on a regular basis. The problem is solved on 08.10.2018 at 16:00 and all services are active.
9th Sept 2018
Offering New Domain TLDs
We've increased our domain TLD extensions to provide you with a better domain query and registration experience. Now it is possible to protect your corporate identity, make fun domain choices, or implement new projects. Do not miss our seasonal campaigns and discounts!